Raising Readers – Storytelling in Marketing

After its buzzword debut “content marketing” is meanwhile claiming a front row seat in marketing strategy papers.

Companies are hiring journalists and professional writers to polish the food for thought they want to offer to their target groups.
Gone are the times of shallow sales slogans – long live storytelling!
After all, we are all just hungry for tales, aren’t we?!

Today we are witnessing the wonderful development that good stories are arriving in every day communications of global players in the ad market, in customer communications and beyond. And as we, the consumers, cannot escape all that; let’s just hope this will make our all daily life, quieter, inspirational and just better.

Here is a nice article about the more or less simple rules of storytelling for your book just as well as for your marketing campaign:


And if you are an author who, is dreaming about his or her next novel or poem while copywriting to earn a living, remember: you are making this world a better place! <3